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حوار بالانجليزي بين 5 اشخاص؟ اهلا بكم في موقع نصائح من أجل الحصول على المساعدة في ايجاد معلومات دقيقة قدر الإمكان من خلال إجابات وتعليقات الاخرين الذين يمتلكون الخبرة والمعرفة بخصوص هذا السؤال التالي : . حوار بالانجليزي بين 5 اشخاص؟ وفي النهاية بعد ما قدمنا الإجابة لكم في الأسفل علي سؤالكم حوار بالانجليزي بين 5 اشخاص؟ نتمنى لكم النجاح والتفوق في حياتكم، ونرجو أن تستمروا في مواصلة زيارة موقع tipsfull.com وأن تواصلوا الحفاظ على طاعة الله وفعل الخيرات ومساعدة الاخرين.


 اذا لم تجد الإجابة او الإجابة خاطئة اكتب لنا تعليقاً

1 إجابة وحدة

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بواسطة مجهول
hani: hello jawad how are you?
jawad: hello haniI am fine, thank you.
hani: This wonderful opportunity to see you here. what are you doing here ?
jawad: I came here with my friends for shopping. How about you what are you doing here?
hani: I came to watch a movie with my nphew. You told me that you came here with your friends
but i see you alone.
jawad:They went to buy ice cream.
hani:ahh.this is my brother son, his name is Mohammed.Mohammed this my friend jawad
mohammed: hi Jawad nice to meet you. hani talked with me alot about you.
jawad:realy.What did say about me?
mohammed: he said alot of things about you like you are one of the best friend he have and you
are a good person.
jawad: also he is the best friend i can have. thank you hani.
hani: no need to thank me this is the truth.
jawad: so mohammed what are you doing here in Malaysia? are here for school or for Vacation?
mohammed: i came here for study.
jawad:so are you going to study in uniten or anther university? and whats the major your going
to study?
mohammed: Yes i'm going to study in Uniten majoring in IT . after i finish my engelish course.
jawad: that is great.
jawad: I think these guys are my friends.
ahmad: hi.
hani: hi
mohammed: hi
jawad: Those are my friends. Ali and Ahmad are from Saudi Aribia also.
hani: nice to meet you. Ali and Ahmad. how are you guys?
ahmaed and ali: we are fine. thanks what about you?
hani: i'm good thank you.
hani: so what are going to do guys?
jawad: we will came back to our appartment.
hani: Why don't you come watch a movie with us before leaving?
jawad:For me it is ok. but let me ask my frinds.
ali and ahmad: it is ok we don't have antthing to do.
hani: that great. i will go buy tickets for us.
ali: Mohammed i think i saw you before but i can not remmeber where right?
mohammed: yes i saw you before On the day of registration.
ali: yes yes . i remmebre now. you were wearing yellow t-shirt
mohammed: yes thats true i was wearing the yellow t-shirt.so what are you going to study?
ali: i will study business. what about you?
mohammed: that is good . For me i will study IT. what about you Ahmad? I didn't see you with ali
on the regisraion day. what are you doing here?
ahmad: i study sevel engineering in uniten.
mohammed: that is great. we all study together. i hope we will be frinds.
ahmad: i hope so.
hani: hi again. i bought the tickets. the film will start at 11. now its 9:30. we have enough
time to eat.
jawad: i know a good Arab restaurant here. Just follow me.
hani: wow lets go i'm so hungry i didn't eat araic food for a long time.
ali:i know the restaurant he is talking about it. it is realy good.
After eating.
hani: wow i'm full i can not walk. that food was delicious.
jawad: i told you you will like it.
mohammed: we still have one hour before the film.
ali:lats go to play billiard.
ahmad: that is a great idea.
jawad and mohammed and hani : ok lets go.
After playing:
hani: hehe i won and all of you lost i want someone to make me lose
ali: you played billiard for along time we are just beginners. i will play with you after two
mounth and we will see who you will win.
hani: ok i will wait and i will see.
jawad:we will see.
ahmad: now the film start lets go to watch it.
mohammed: Quickly we are late.
After the film.
ali: the film was boring.
ahmad: thats because you were sleeping.
hani: yes after five minute from the film start he slept. i saw him.
jawad: yes. the film was wonderful. what do you think mohammed do you gree with me?
mohammed; yes i gree with you. the was fantastic.
jawad: by the way. we must go now the time is late. nice to meet you all. i realy had good time
today. i hope we meet agin.
hani: i hope that also. Next time we must go to picnic togather.
ali: Why don't we do it on next weekend? what you all think?
ahmad: yes thats a great idea.
Mohammed: I agree with you I can't wait to see you again
Jawad: Me too. We will keep in touch and contact each other. okay we have to go now see you
hani: see you

أسئلة مشابهة

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1 إجابة
سُئل مارس 23، 2023 بواسطة مجـهول
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سُئل مارس 23، 2023 بواسطة مجـهول
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