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سؤال حوار بين شخصين عن رؤية 2030 بالانجليزي؟
تطبيق منصة تعلم


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1 إجابة وحدة

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Scene: Two friends, Mohammed and Sarah, are sitting in a coffee shop in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Mohammed: So, what do you think of Vision 2030?

Sarah: I think it's a great initiative. It's ambitious, but it's also achievable.

Mohammed: I agree. It's a bold plan to diversify the Saudi economy and make the country more competitive.

Sarah: I'm especially excited about the focus on education and women's empowerment.

Mohammed: Me too. I think those are the key to Saudi Arabia's future.

Sarah: I'm also glad to see that the government is taking steps to address climate change.

Mohammed: That's important, too. We need to protect our environment for future generations.

Sarah: Overall, I think Vision 2030 is a positive step for Saudi Arabia. It's a plan that has the potential to make the country a more prosperous and sustainable place.

Mohammed: I agree. I'm excited to see how it plays out in the years to come.

**(They continue to talk about Vision 2030 for a while longer.)

Mohammed: So, what do you think the biggest challenges will be to implementing Vision 2030?

Sarah: I think there are a few challenges. One is that it will require a lot of change. Saudi Arabia is a traditional country, and change can be difficult.

Mohammed: That's true. Another challenge is that it will require a lot of money. Vision 2030 is a big plan, and it will cost a lot to implement.

Sarah: That's also true. But I think the government is committed to making Vision 2030 a success.

Mohammed: I agree. I think the Saudi people are also committed to change. They want to see their country succeed.

Sarah: I'm hopeful that Vision 2030 will be a success. I think it has the potential to make Saudi Arabia a better place for everyone.

Mohammed: Me too. I'm excited to see what the future holds for Saudi Arabia.

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