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وصف جدة بالانجليزي؟ اهلا بكم في موقع نصائح من أجل الحصول على المساعدة في ايجاد معلومات دقيقة قدر الإمكان من خلال إجابات وتعليقات الاخرين الذين يمتلكون الخبرة والمعرفة بخصوص هذا السؤال التالي : . وصف جدة بالانجليزي؟ وفي النهاية بعد ما قدمنا الإجابة لكم في الأسفل علي سؤالكم وصف جدة بالانجليزي؟ نتمنى لكم النجاح والتفوق في حياتكم، ونرجو أن تستمروا في مواصلة زيارة موقع tipsfull.com وأن تواصلوا الحفاظ على طاعة الله وفعل الخيرات ومساعدة الاخرين.
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 اذا لم تجد الإجابة او الإجابة خاطئة اكتب لنا تعليقاً

1 إجابة وحدة

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بواسطة مجهول
Jeddah is a city that shines on the west coast of the Red Sea, which is connected to the second largest city of Saudi Arabia in the capital city of Riyadh. It is the gate and the price to enter the greatest city in the world and Mecca by receiving pilgrims by sea and air from the Jeddah seaport and Jeddah International Airport. Between Jeddah and Makkah is only half an hour away by car. The exception of the grandmother of the title of the Bride of the Red Sea because it was able to join the old city to a large city and developed with economic growth. If you travel in Jeddah, we will be surprised by its charming tourist beauty. The world's tallest fountain, the Jeddah fountain, which has a height of two hundred and sixty-two meters, will surprise us. It is no wonder that it deserves to stop and enjoy the view of its water. The south, which stretches from the country to the port, is a short distance and twenty minutes away. It is the right place for family meetings and visitors on its beautiful rocky roofs and under the giant palm trees. Walking in the Corniche of Jeddah is fun when you go to malls, hotels and restaurants that are crowded and racing to serve the visitors of the Corniche, and if we are tired of walking we stopped horse carts decorated with colored lights to ride and enjoy the beauty of its sandy beaches, Corniche is the address of luxury in Jeddah. At the end of the Corniche are many camps and tourist villages that attract and open their arms welcome in large numbers of the parkers came to stroll on the shores of Sharm Abhur, which extends in the form of a crescent at a distance of seventeen kilometers to meet the northern and southern shore of Jeddah, which is the northern shore is the ideal place for diving The results of the deep and beauty of Murjan. The beauty is not yet finished in Jeddah. It is a city that boasts more than 300 shops and commercial centers. Among them are many carved sculptures designed by professional hands from around the world. The number of these figures is more than three hundred and sixty, And beaches; the visitor will never tire of astonishing his gaze with the beauty of the images and take the reference images, and not only aware. The old Jeddah is still dominated by old and famous alleys, such as Yemen, the sea and the Sham, the warm of the oppressed and the warm country. The mud bricks and the plaster stone decorate their ancient houses.

أسئلة مشابهة

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1 إجابة
سُئل مايو 24، 2022 بواسطة شوشو
  • وصف
  • غرفة
  • الصف
  • بالانجليزي
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1 إجابة
سُئل يوليو 18، 2017 بواسطة مجهول
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2 إجابة
سُئل يوليو 18، 2017 بواسطة مجهول
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1 إجابة
سُئل يوليو 18، 2017 بواسطة مجهول
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1 إجابة
سُئل يوليو 18، 2017 بواسطة مجهول
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