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كيف ستكون الحياة بعد 100 سنة بالانجليزي؟ اهلا بكم في موقع نصائح من أجل الحصول على المساعدة في ايجاد معلومات دقيقة قدر الإمكان من خلال إجابات وتعليقات الاخرين الذين يمتلكون الخبرة والمعرفة بخصوص هذا السؤال التالي : . كيف ستكون الحياة بعد 100 سنة بالانجليزي؟ وفي النهاية بعد ما قدمنا الإجابة لكم في الأسفل علي سؤالكم كيف ستكون الحياة بعد 100 سنة بالانجليزي؟ نتمنى لكم النجاح والتفوق في حياتكم، ونرجو أن تستمروا في مواصلة زيارة موقع tipsfull.com وأن تواصلوا الحفاظ على طاعة الله وفعل الخيرات ومساعدة الاخرين.
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كيف ستكون الحياة بعد 100 سنة بالانجليزى :
American Professor Micheo Kaku predicted how our children and grandchildren would live 100 years later. Kaku believes that in 2030 a new type of adhesive lens will be invented, and at the moment Professor Babak Parviz of the University of Washington is working on the prototype of this type of lens .

The free market will show members of the human body, and technology today allows scientists to simply grow new cartilage, nose, ear, blood vessels, heart valves, bladder, etc. in the laboratory. Stem cells are placed on the base of the sponge plastic, in addition to the patient's DNA. When you add a catalyst to those cells, they start with rapid growth and reproduction, and thus we have the living tissue and then members.

It is said that after 20 years society will be able to telepathy, where today scientists can plant slices in the brain through which can only by telepathy control of computers and electronic machines and the practice of virtual games. Honda engineers have been able to design automatic men to execute orders by telepathy.

By 2070, scientists plan to restore life to many animals. Scientists have been able to reproduce an animal in Brazil after 25 years of death by taking a DNA sample. The primitive human gene has been deconstructed and the scientific community is seriously talking about the possibility of reviving it.

Scientists in the future will undoubtedly develop technology that slows our aging. Experiments related to this have been performed on insects and some animals and it has been found that a 30% longevity is very easy. In the future there will be several ways to prolong life.

But the most interesting thing is that by 2100 the programmable matter will appear as in "Destroyer 2" the killer killer T-1000, where the world will have materials that can be programmed by computers, Pinhead, which can easily rearrange their ranks on the effect of electrical charges.

Scientists also believe that technology will advance in space, and we will be able to fly on space ships to various planets. All this will be done by small-sized computers that will send millions of them to all parts of the universe and move in space at a speed approaching the speed of light. Extraterrestrial beings send messages from Earth and discover space. Humans will then colonize other planets.

After 100 years we will be able to fight cancer, and it is known that cancer can be eliminated in its early stages. In the near future, bathroom rooms will include a nuclear acid that can detect diseases in its early stages, and nanoparticles will be released into the human body to look for and eliminate carcinogens.

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1 إجابة
سُئل مارس 31، 2021 بواسطة مجهول
  • كيف
  • يكون
  • العالم
  • بعد
  • 50
  • سنة
  • في
  • المجال
  • الغذائي
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